Anabec Advanced Cleaning Solution Plus

  • Availability: In Stock


Price for each$0.00$330.00


Anabec Advanced Cleaning Solution Plus is a patented mold cleaning product and the cornerstone in the Anabec System . Advanced Cleaning Solution has been applied to thousands of houses, commercial institutions, plus industrial facilities for both general-purpose cleaning and correcting microbial contamination.

When coupled with mechanical action for maximum material penetration, this clear formula removes organic debris left by microorganisms. Advanced Cleaning Solution leaves an extremely clean surface that can then be treated with a microbial barrier or penetrate products such as X-70 Plus or Anasphere.

Applications include porous and non-porous building materials such as structural framing, block, cement, unfinished drywall. It is also suitable for most interior finished materials such as upholstery, carpeting, ceiling tiles, brick, wood, finished drywall, and other related materials. Product code: 1050